Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Alcohol Won't Help Save A Marriage

Alcohol consumption won't save a marriage. Unfortunately, when times get tough, the tough get going... out to the bars. If there was any hope in saving the relationship before the drinking, it soon evaporates in a drunken fog.

Legal Pub has an article on Four Loko, a super charged alcohol drink popular among young adults. LINK. It is worth your time to review the article. If your kids are binge drinking, get them help. If you are drinking and driving or simply drinking too much, get help for your self.

Keep in mind, "married men don't live longer, it just seems that way... "

that is really true if it's a bad marriage.


Anonymous said...

Been too long since you have shared your insight. Hope to see more.

Anonymous said...

I'll drink to this one.