Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lashandra Armstrong Is Reminiscent of Susan Smith Tragedy

Legal Pub out scooped me again! The Lashandra Armstrong case is reminiscent of the Susan Smith tragedy. Both can be rationalized as being the result of "postpartum syndrome." But both are also a good example of why domestic relationships are so potentially volatile. It is not just men who commit violence. It is not just a war of men against women as some feminists have theorized. It is a real problem that needs a solution because the system is broke for everyone other than perhaps the divorce lawyers. The laws and presumption dealing with family law need to be revised for the better. Having the most aggressive attorneys is not always a good thing. Fear of losing everything can result in irrational behavior. But as long as there are strong financial interests in keeping the status quo, it is unlikely that significant change will be effectuated any time soon. Nevertheless, the small voices in the distance calling for reform grow louder each day.