Friday, April 28, 2017

Jessie Jackson Jr. to Resolve His Divorce Outside of the Public Eye? ~by ViperAdvocate

Jesse Jackson Denies Firing Man for Being Gay | Black Celebrity GossipCivil Rights advocate Jesse Jackson Jr. is apparently going through a divorce in Chicago.  Fortunately, former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Sandi Jackson agreed to try to mediate the dispute.  If successful, mediation may deprive the public of a sensational trial.  In the absence of mediation being successful, there is a chance there may be evidence of extramarital affairs perhaps on the part of both parties. Mediation may allow a confidential resolution of all of the issues including custody of the couple’s two children, alimony and the distribution of property.

Jackson has been paying Sandi Jackson $1,200-a-month in alimony.  While mediation can be a good thing, it may deprive the public of some real entertainment.   divorce case .