Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trouble In California Paradise?

Trouble in California paradise? In 1986, Maria Shriver, and Arnold Schwarzenegger lawfully wed. Now 25 years later they have apparently parted ways. The former Governor is a hardcore Republican while Maria was part of the Kennedy clan. A joint statement read that after "a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us," the couple decided to separate. However, behind the scenes it is known that Maria moved out of the couple's L.A. mansion months ago. Maria apparently has been unhappy in her marriage for years. Allegedly, Arnold's ego is often out of control ego.

The couples problems are not all that different from average folks. Arnold's drive to return to his career (as an actor) has apparently left Maria feeling distant and their relationship "unstable." Despite the unhappiness, Maria apparently lingered in the relationship because of her religious views which look with disfavor upon divorce. Let's hope they make the best decision for themselves and their families.

Update 5-19-11: Apparently Arnold fathered a 13 year old son with the housekeeper. Given the child's smile, one suspects Shriver has had a strong indices of suspicion for many years. Attorney Laura Wasser is apparently advising Shriver.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lashandra Armstrong Is Reminiscent of Susan Smith Tragedy

Legal Pub out scooped me again! http://legalpublication.blogspot.com/ The Lashandra Armstrong case is reminiscent of the Susan Smith tragedy. Both can be rationalized as being the result of "postpartum syndrome." But both are also a good example of why domestic relationships are so potentially volatile. It is not just men who commit violence. It is not just a war of men against women as some feminists have theorized. It is a real problem that needs a solution because the system is broke for everyone other than perhaps the divorce lawyers. The laws and presumption dealing with family law need to be revised for the better. Having the most aggressive attorneys is not always a good thing. Fear of losing everything can result in irrational behavior. But as long as there are strong financial interests in keeping the status quo, it is unlikely that significant change will be effectuated any time soon. Nevertheless, the small voices in the distance calling for reform grow louder each day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guest Article On Prince's Legal Fees

As a guest on Legal Pub, I wrote an article on Prince's legal fees. It seemed appropriate because Prince's dispute with his lawyer involves fees incurred in the process of representing the singer in several legal matters including "divorce." While I don't know know Prince or the lawyers involved, I can imagine it is not pleasant no matter which side you are on in a fee dispute.

If you thought divorce was vicious and nasty, just imagine two hungry alley cats fighting over a can of tuna. Then magnify that a couple of times and you may my idea of what a fee dispute with a divorce lawyer might look like before all is said and done. For those interested: http://legalpublication.blogspot.com/2011/03/prince-with-legal-fee-dispute-by-viper.html