Friday, February 26, 2010

Think Men or Women Get Screwed In Divorce?

Difficult question. A lot truly does depend upon the jurisdiction that the parties are in and the quality of legal services rendered. I would be remiss to point out that the mood of the judge and plain old luck have a lot to do with client satisfaction. For "Helen's" read on the matter visit this LINK.

Let me know what you all think.


Anonymous said...

Helen is very funny. But she is out there, Viper.

Athrunxala said...

I think no one really wins in a divorce. At least that's what I've put together from what my New Jersey divorce attorney.

Viper said...

Al, this is so true. Lawyers win because we get paid financially. Although doing this kind of work takes its toll on one's health.

Kids are the big losers. They all too often go from having a nice family to a dysfunctional family.

Best of luck.