Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wecome to Vicious Divorce

Here is you chance to post your complaints about divorce, men, women etc.
As a faithful poster on


I have access to some humorous areas of the law. This site will discuss some less than humerous topics such as parental alienation and asset reallocation. Feel free to comment away.


Viper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Snake man: Join the marriage strike. If men refuse to marry then it will end the unjust asset allocation and put the divorce lawyers out of business at the same time.


Viper said...

I will keep the marriage strike in mind. Speaking of marital discord, there is an interesting take on the Benoit murder being related to marital problems at


Leave it to the pub meister to get the inside scoop.

Anonymous said...

My ex is a piece of work. She took me for over 50% of my assets plus I have to pay her alimony while she shacks up with her boyfriend. Now, that is not the life!

Anonymous said...

Divorce is expensive because it is worth it. That is my motto. That being said, never again.

Anonymous said...

Divorce the screwing you get for the screwing you got.
